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Sample with NTE segment

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 2:23 am
by luv2ski555
Hi I'm using Delphi XE5 and HL7 2.3. Could you provide a quick sample of how you parse the NTE segment I'm having a little trouble getting it figured out.

Here is the test message I'm using

'MSH|^~\&|1100|TA|GEMMS|TE015745|201103071521||ORU|0013|P|2.3' + #13 +
'PID|1|14455|06694785320|14455|Bill^Jones^ ||20010101|F||||||||||90014845^^^XR^^F|123456789' + #13 +
'ORC|RE|06694785320^LAB|06694785320^LAB||||||201103070000|||^HIPPOCRAT^D' + #13 +
'OBR|1|06694785320^LAB|06694785320^LAB|001917^G-6-PD, Quant, Blood and RBC^L|||201103070800|||||||201103070954||||123EDITEST||06694785320||201103070956|||F ' + #13 +
'OBX|1|NM|001920^G-6-PD, Blood^L||45|U/L|Undefined|||N|F|20031027||201103070955|BN' + #13 +
'OBX|2|NM|005033^RBC^L||27.24|x10E6/uL|3.91-5.26|H||N|F|20081208||201103070955|EDITE' + #13 +
'ORC|RE|06694785320^LAB|06694785320^LAB||||||201103070000|||^HIPPOCRAT^D' + #13 +
'OBR|2|06694785320^LAB|06694785320^LAB|015180^Hematology Comments:^L|||201103070800||||G|||201103070954||||123EDITEST||06694785320||201103070956|||X|015180|||001917' + #13 +
'OBX|1|CE|015180^Hematology Comments:^L|||||||N|X|||201103070955|EDITE' + #13 +
'ORC|RE|06694785320^LAB|06694785320^LAB||||||201103070000|||^HIPPOCRAT^D' + #13 +
'OBR|3|06694785320^LAB|06694785320^LAB|001917^G-6-PD, Quant, Blood and RBC^L|||201103070800|||||||201103070954||||123EDITEST||06694785320||201103070956|||F' + #13 +
'OBX|1|NM|001926^G-6-PD, Quant^L||2|U/10E12 RBC|146-376|L||N|F|20080827||201103070955|BN' + #13 +
'NTE|1|L|NOTE: The above G-6-PD, Quant result is the final, calculated value' + #13 +
'NTE|2|L|that should be used for patient G-6-PD status interpretation. This ' + #13 +
'NTE|3|L|calculation is based upon the G-6-PD, Blood divided by the RBC result ' + #13 +
'NTE|4|L|shown above.' + #13 +
'ZPS|1|BN|LabCorp Burlington|1447 York Court^^Burlington^NC^272153361|8007624344||MD^Hancock^William F^^^^MD' + #13 +
'ZPS|2|EDITE|LabCorp EDI Testing|3060 S Church Street^^Burlington^NC^272150000|3365845171||MD^Pathologist^Testing^^^^MD';

Re: Sample with NTE segment

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 6:03 am
by admin

Re: Sample with NTE segment

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 3:50 pm
by luv2ski555
Thanks for the link. I have look over the sample prior to my question. It really doesn't show how you parse the NTE segments. I was hoping someone could shed some light on how you would do that maybe I'm just missing it in the documentation? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks