Class TImmunization



type TImmunization = class(TDomainResource)


Describes the event of a patient being administered a vaccination or a record of a vaccination as reported by a patient, a clinician or another party and may include vaccine reaction information and what vaccination protocol was followed. If the element is present, it must have either a @value, an @id, or extensions




Public constructor Create; override;


Public property identifier : TIdentifierArray read GetidentifierArray;
Public property status : string read Getstatus write Setstatus;
Public property statusElement : TImmunizationStatusCodes read GetstatusElement write SetstatusElement;
Public property notGiven : boolean read GetnotGiven write SetnotGiven;
Public property notGivenElement : Tboolean read GetnotGivenElement write SetnotGivenElement;
Public property vaccineCode : TCodeableConcept read GetvaccineCode write SetvaccineCode;
Public property patient : TReference read Getpatient write Setpatient;
Public property encounter : TReference read Getencounter write Setencounter;
Public property date_ : string read Getdate_ write Setdate_;
Public property date_Element : TdateTime_ read Getdate_Element write Setdate_Element;
Public property primarySource : boolean read GetprimarySource write SetprimarySource;
Public property primarySourceElement : Tboolean read GetprimarySourceElement write SetprimarySourceElement;
Public property reportOrigin : TCodeableConcept read GetreportOrigin write SetreportOrigin;
Public property location : TReference read Getlocation write Setlocation;
Public property manufacturer : TReference read Getmanufacturer write Setmanufacturer;
Public property lotNumber : string read GetlotNumber write SetlotNumber;
Public property lotNumberElement : Tstring read GetlotNumberElement write SetlotNumberElement;
Public property expirationDate : string read GetexpirationDate write SetexpirationDate;
Public property expirationDateElement : Tdate_ read GetexpirationDateElement write SetexpirationDateElement;
Public property site : TCodeableConcept read Getsite write Setsite;
Public property route : TCodeableConcept read Getroute write Setroute;
Public property doseQuantity : TQuantity read GetdoseQuantity write SetdoseQuantity;
Public property practitioner : TImmunizationPractitionerArray read GetpractitionerArray;
Public property note : TAnnotationArray read GetnoteArray;
Public property explanation : TImmunizationExplanation read Getexplanation write Setexplanation;
Public property reaction : TImmunizationReactionArray read GetreactionArray;
Public property vaccinationProtocol : TImmunizationVaccinationProtocolArray read GetvaccinationProtocolArray;



Public constructor Create; override;


Public property identifier : TIdentifierArray read GetidentifierArray;

A unique identifier assigned to this immunization record.

Public property status : string read Getstatus write Setstatus;

Indicates the current status of the vaccination event.

Public property statusElement : TImmunizationStatusCodes read GetstatusElement write SetstatusElement;
Public property notGiven : boolean read GetnotGiven write SetnotGiven;

Indicates if the vaccination was or was not given.

Public property notGivenElement : Tboolean read GetnotGivenElement write SetnotGivenElement;
Public property vaccineCode : TCodeableConcept read GetvaccineCode write SetvaccineCode;

Vaccine that was administered or was to be administered.

Public property patient : TReference read Getpatient write Setpatient;

The patient who either received or did not receive the immunization.

Public property encounter : TReference read Getencounter write Setencounter;

The visit or admission or other contact between patient and health care provider the immunization was performed as part of.

Public property date_ : string read Getdate_ write Setdate_;

Date vaccine administered or was to be administered.

Public property date_Element : TdateTime_ read Getdate_Element write Setdate_Element;
Public property primarySource : boolean read GetprimarySource write SetprimarySource;

An indication that the content of the record is based on information from the person who administered the vaccine. This reflects the context under which the data was originally recorded.

Public property primarySourceElement : Tboolean read GetprimarySourceElement write SetprimarySourceElement;
Public property reportOrigin : TCodeableConcept read GetreportOrigin write SetreportOrigin;

The source of the data when the report of the immunization event is not based on information from the person who administered the vaccine.

Public property location : TReference read Getlocation write Setlocation;

The service delivery location where the vaccine administration occurred.

Public property manufacturer : TReference read Getmanufacturer write Setmanufacturer;

Name of vaccine manufacturer.

Public property lotNumber : string read GetlotNumber write SetlotNumber;

Lot number of the vaccine product.

Public property lotNumberElement : Tstring read GetlotNumberElement write SetlotNumberElement;
Public property expirationDate : string read GetexpirationDate write SetexpirationDate;

Date vaccine batch expires.

Public property expirationDateElement : Tdate_ read GetexpirationDateElement write SetexpirationDateElement;
Public property site : TCodeableConcept read Getsite write Setsite;

Body site where vaccine was administered.

Public property route : TCodeableConcept read Getroute write Setroute;

The path by which the vaccine product is taken into the body.

Public property doseQuantity : TQuantity read GetdoseQuantity write SetdoseQuantity;

The quantity of vaccine product that was administered.

Public property practitioner : TImmunizationPractitionerArray read GetpractitionerArray;

Indicates who or what performed the event.

Public property note : TAnnotationArray read GetnoteArray;

Extra information about the immunization that is not conveyed by the other attributes.

Public property explanation : TImmunizationExplanation read Getexplanation write Setexplanation;

Reasons why a vaccine was or was not administered.

Public property reaction : TImmunizationReactionArray read GetreactionArray;

Categorical data indicating that an adverse event is associated in time to an immunization.

Public property vaccinationProtocol : TImmunizationVaccinationProtocolArray read GetvaccinationProtocolArray;

Contains information about the protocol(s) under which the vaccine was administered.

Generated by PasDoc 0.15.0.