Class TQuestionnaireItem



type TQuestionnaireItem = class(TBackboneElement)


A structured set of questions intended to guide the collection of answers from end-users. Questionnaires provide detailed control over order, presentation, phraseology and grouping to allow coherent, consistent data collection.




Public constructor Create; override;


Public property linkId : string read GetlinkId write SetlinkId;
Public property linkIdElement : Tstring read GetlinkIdElement write SetlinkIdElement;
Public property definition : string read Getdefinition write Setdefinition;
Public property definitionElement : Turi read GetdefinitionElement write SetdefinitionElement;
Public property code : TCodingArray read GetcodeArray;
Public property prefix : string read Getprefix write Setprefix;
Public property prefixElement : Tstring read GetprefixElement write SetprefixElement;
Public property text : string read Gettext write Settext;
Public property textElement : Tstring read GettextElement write SettextElement;
Public property type_ : string read Gettype_ write Settype_;
Public property type_Element : TQuestionnaireItemType read Gettype_Element write Settype_Element;
Public property enableWhen : TQuestionnaireEnableWhenArray read GetenableWhenArray;
Public property enableBehavior : string read GetenableBehavior write SetenableBehavior;
Public property enableBehaviorElement : TEnableWhenBehavior read GetenableBehaviorElement write SetenableBehaviorElement;
Public property required : boolean read Getrequired write Setrequired;
Public property requiredElement : Tboolean read GetrequiredElement write SetrequiredElement;
Public property repeats : boolean read Getrepeats write Setrepeats;
Public property repeatsElement : Tboolean read GetrepeatsElement write SetrepeatsElement;
Public property readOnly : boolean read GetreadOnly write SetreadOnly;
Public property readOnlyElement : Tboolean read GetreadOnlyElement write SetreadOnlyElement;
Public property maxLength : integer read GetmaxLength write SetmaxLength;
Public property maxLengthElement : Tinteger read GetmaxLengthElement write SetmaxLengthElement;
Public property answerValueSet : string read GetanswerValueSet write SetanswerValueSet;
Public property answerValueSetElement : Tcanonical read GetanswerValueSetElement write SetanswerValueSetElement;
Public property answerOption : TQuestionnaireAnswerOptionArray read GetanswerOptionArray;
Public property initial : TQuestionnaireInitialArray read GetinitialArray;
Public property item : TQuestionnaireItemArray read GetitemArray;



Public constructor Create; override;


Public property linkId : string read GetlinkId write SetlinkId;

An identifier that is unique within the Questionnaire allowing linkage to the equivalent item in a QuestionnaireResponse resource.

Public property linkIdElement : Tstring read GetlinkIdElement write SetlinkIdElement;
Public property definition : string read Getdefinition write Setdefinition;

This element is a URI that refers to an [ElementDefinition](elementdefinition.html) that provides information about this item, including information that might otherwise be included in the instance of the Questionnaire resource. A detailed description of the construction of the URI is shown in Comments, below. If this element is present then the following element values MAY be derived from the Element Definition if the corresponding elements of this Questionnaire resource instance have no value:

* code (ElementDefinition.code) * type (ElementDefinition.type) * required (ElementDefinition.min) * repeats (ElementDefinition.max) * maxLength (ElementDefinition.maxLength) * answerValueSet (ElementDefinition.binding) * options (ElementDefinition.binding).

Public property definitionElement : Turi read GetdefinitionElement write SetdefinitionElement;
Public property code : TCodingArray read GetcodeArray;

A terminology code that corresponds to this group or question (e.g. a code from LOINC, which defines many questions and answers).

Public property prefix : string read Getprefix write Setprefix;

A short label for a particular group, question or set of display text within the questionnaire used for reference by the individual completing the questionnaire.

Public property prefixElement : Tstring read GetprefixElement write SetprefixElement;
Public property text : string read Gettext write Settext;

The name of a section, the text of a question or text content for a display item.

Public property textElement : Tstring read GettextElement write SettextElement;
Public property type_ : string read Gettype_ write Settype_;

The type of questionnaire item this is - whether text for display, a grouping of other items or a particular type of data to be captured (string, integer, coded choice, etc.).

Public property type_Element : TQuestionnaireItemType read Gettype_Element write Settype_Element;
Public property enableWhen : TQuestionnaireEnableWhenArray read GetenableWhenArray;

A constraint indicating that this item should only be enabled (displayed/allow answers to be captured) when the specified condition is true.

Public property enableBehavior : string read GetenableBehavior write SetenableBehavior;

Controls how multiple enableWhen values are interpreted - whether all or any must be true.

Public property enableBehaviorElement : TEnableWhenBehavior read GetenableBehaviorElement write SetenableBehaviorElement;
Public property required : boolean read Getrequired write Setrequired;

An indication, if true, that the item must be present in a "completed" QuestionnaireResponse. If false, the item may be skipped when answering the questionnaire.

Public property requiredElement : Tboolean read GetrequiredElement write SetrequiredElement;
Public property repeats : boolean read Getrepeats write Setrepeats;

An indication, if true, that the item may occur multiple times in the response, collecting multiple answers for questions or multiple sets of answers for groups.

Public property repeatsElement : Tboolean read GetrepeatsElement write SetrepeatsElement;
Public property readOnly : boolean read GetreadOnly write SetreadOnly;

An indication, when true, that the value cannot be changed by a human respondent to the Questionnaire.

Public property readOnlyElement : Tboolean read GetreadOnlyElement write SetreadOnlyElement;
Public property maxLength : integer read GetmaxLength write SetmaxLength;

The maximum number of characters that are permitted in the answer to be considered a "valid" QuestionnaireResponse.

Public property maxLengthElement : Tinteger read GetmaxLengthElement write SetmaxLengthElement;
Public property answerValueSet : string read GetanswerValueSet write SetanswerValueSet;

A reference to a value set containing a list of codes representing permitted answers for a "choice" or "open-choice" question.

Public property answerValueSetElement : Tcanonical read GetanswerValueSetElement write SetanswerValueSetElement;
Public property answerOption : TQuestionnaireAnswerOptionArray read GetanswerOptionArray;

One of the permitted answers for a "choice" or "open-choice" question.

Public property initial : TQuestionnaireInitialArray read GetinitialArray;

One or more values that should be pre-populated in the answer when initially rendering the questionnaire for user input.

Public property item : TQuestionnaireItemArray read GetitemArray;

Text, questions and other groups to be nested beneath a question or group.

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