Class TAuditEvent



type TAuditEvent = class(TDomainResource)


A record of an event relevant for purposes such as operations, privacy, security, maintenance, and performance analysis. If the element is present, it must have either a @value, an @id, or extensions




Public constructor Create; override;


Public property category : TCodeableConceptArray read GetcategoryArray;
Public property code : TCodeableConcept read Getcode write Setcode;
Public property action : string read Getaction write Setaction;
Public property actionElement : TAuditEventAction read GetactionElement write SetactionElement;
Public property severity : string read Getseverity write Setseverity;
Public property severityElement : TAuditEventSeverity read GetseverityElement write SetseverityElement;
Public property occurredPeriod : TPeriod read GetoccurredPeriod write SetoccurredPeriod;
Public property occurredDateTime : string read GetoccurredDateTime write SetoccurredDateTime;
Public property occurredDateTimeElement : TdateTime_ read GetoccurredDateTimeElement write SetoccurredDateTimeElement;
Public property recorded : string read Getrecorded write Setrecorded;
Public property recordedElement : Tinstant read GetrecordedElement write SetrecordedElement;
Public property outcome : TAuditEventOutcome read Getoutcome write Setoutcome;
Public property authorization : TCodeableConceptArray read GetauthorizationArray;
Public property basedOn : TReferenceArray read GetbasedOnArray;
Public property patient : TReference read Getpatient write Setpatient;
Public property encounter : TReference read Getencounter write Setencounter;
Public property agent : TAuditEventAgentArray read GetagentArray;
Public property source : TAuditEventSource read Getsource write Setsource;
Public property entity : TAuditEventEntityArray read GetentityArray;



Public constructor Create; override;


Public property category : TCodeableConceptArray read GetcategoryArray;

Classification of the type of event.

Public property code : TCodeableConcept read Getcode write Setcode;

Describes what happened. The most specific code for the event.

Public property action : string read Getaction write Setaction;

Indicator for type of action performed during the event that generated the audit.

Public property actionElement : TAuditEventAction read GetactionElement write SetactionElement;
Public property severity : string read Getseverity write Setseverity;

Indicates and enables segmentation of various severity including debugging from critical.

Public property severityElement : TAuditEventSeverity read GetseverityElement write SetseverityElement;
Public property occurredPeriod : TPeriod read GetoccurredPeriod write SetoccurredPeriod;

The time or period during which the activity occurred. (choose any one of occurred*, but only one)

Public property occurredDateTime : string read GetoccurredDateTime write SetoccurredDateTime;

The time or period during which the activity occurred. (choose any one of occurred*, but only one)

Public property occurredDateTimeElement : TdateTime_ read GetoccurredDateTimeElement write SetoccurredDateTimeElement;
Public property recorded : string read Getrecorded write Setrecorded;

The time when the event was recorded.

Public property recordedElement : Tinstant read GetrecordedElement write SetrecordedElement;
Public property outcome : TAuditEventOutcome read Getoutcome write Setoutcome;

Indicates whether the event succeeded or failed. A free text descripiton can be given in outcome.text.

Public property authorization : TCodeableConceptArray read GetauthorizationArray;

The authorization (e.g., PurposeOfUse) that was used during the event being recorded.

Public property basedOn : TReferenceArray read GetbasedOnArray;

Allows tracing of authorizatino for the events and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.

Public property patient : TReference read Getpatient write Setpatient;

The patient element is available to enable deterministic tracking of activities that involve the patient as the subject of the data used in an activity.

Public property encounter : TReference read Getencounter write Setencounter;

This will typically be the encounter the event occurred, but some events may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).

Public property agent : TAuditEventAgentArray read GetagentArray;

An actor taking an active role in the event or activity that is logged.

Public property source : TAuditEventSource read Getsource write Setsource;

The actor that is reporting the event.

Public property entity : TAuditEventEntityArray read GetentityArray;

Specific instances of data or objects that have been accessed.

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